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Hurt in an Accident?

Calculate how much your injury is worth

Estimate the value of your injury
Estimate the value of your injury
Discuss your options with an attorney
Discuss your options with an attorney
Maximize the value of your settlement
Maximize the value of your settlement

Call Now for a Free Case Evaluation

100% Risk Free - No Obligations

Hurt in an Accident?
Hurt in an Accident?

How it Works: Calculate the Value of Your Claim

Call us at (866) 788-5922 to speak to an expert injury attorney in your area.
Discuss the details of your case and get a Free Settlement Estimate
Learn next steps you can take to maximize your settlement

100% Risk Free - No Obligations

How we calculate the estimated value of your claim

The only way to calculate to value of your claim is speaking to an experienced injury attorney:

After you submit your basic claim information, the attorney will be able to provide a cursory estimate using a formula such as the Baldyga Auto Accident Settlement Evaluation formula (BASE).

This formula was created by Dan Baldyga, a former insurance adjuster and claims manager, turned expert witness and authoritative author who wrote about auto injury claim valuation methods.

Your attorney can plug in basic values such as medical bills, property damages, lost work time but also needs to factor the intangibles, e.g. personal credibility, driving records, emotional distress, temporary disability, etc.

What do I do after a car accident?

If you were injured in an accident, it’s important to act quickly

  • Get immediate medical attention – don’t wait, it’s important to get medical attention quickly
  • Collect as much information as you can – other driver contact info & insurance, witness contact info, photos of the scene, etc.
  • Document everything related to the accident after you get home. This includes medical expenses, lost time from work and collision repair costs.
  • Speak to an Attorney If the other party was at fault, their insurance company may offer a settlement. Often these settlements are lower than the actual value of the injury – an attorney can help increase your case value.

A Car Accident Attorney can estimate your claim value. No obligations, get your FREE claim evalation.